
Jim — Nov 6, 2013, 7:44 PM

# Two Bayes Factor Examples

# Link Barker Example
# Described in Albert Notes

# Poisson log posterior
# y is vector of observations
# prior is uniform on [0, T]

lb.lpost1 <- function(lambda, datapar){
  y <- datapar$y
  T <- datapar$T
  sum(dpois(y, lambda, log=TRUE)) - log(T)

# geometric log posterior
# y is vector of observations
# prior is 1/T 1/p^2

lb.lpost2 <- function(p, datapar){
  y <- datapar$y
  T <- datapar$T
  sum(dgeom(y, p, log=TRUE)) - log(T) - 2 * log(p)

# enter in data

y <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 8)

# the new bayes.factor function facilitates the comparison of two
# models

bayes.factor <- function(model1, model2){
  fit1 <- laplace(model1$logpost, model1$mode, model1$stuff)
  fit2 <- laplace(model2$logpost, model2$mode, model2$stuff)
  log.bayes.factor <- fit1$int - fit2$int
  print(paste('The log Bayes factor in support of', 
              model1$name, 'over', model2$name, 'is',
              round(log.bayes.factor, 2)))

# for each model, create a list
# - name:  name of model
# - logpost:  name of function containg the log posterior
# - mode:  rough guess at mode of the posterior
# - stuff:  list of the inputs needed in the function

model1 <- list(name="Poisson Model",
               stuff=list(T=20, y=y))

model2 <- list(name="Geometric Model",
               stuff=list(T=20, y=y))

# compare the geometric and Poisson models -- output is log Bayes factor

bayes.factor(model2, model1)
Loading required package: LearnBayes
[1] "The log Bayes factor in support of Geometric Model over Poisson Model is 2.66"

# to get the bayes factor, take the exponential of the value

[1] 14.3

# Compare Two Binomial Proportions

# yj distributed binomial(nj, pj), j=1, 2
# want to test p1 = p2

# Model 1:  two proportions, each given a uniform prior
# Model 2:  p1=p2, common proportion given a uniform prior

# define the two log posteriors

log.2p <- function(theta, stuff){
  p1 <- theta[1]
  p2 <- theta[2]
  y1 <- stuff[1]
  n1 <- stuff[2]
  y2 <- stuff[3]
  n2 <- stuff[4]
  dbinom(y1, size=n1, prob=p1, log=TRUE) +
    dbinom(y2, size=n2, prob=p2, log=TRUE)

log.1p <- function(p, stuff){
  y1 <- stuff[1]
  n1 <- stuff[2]
  y2 <- stuff[3]
  n2 <- stuff[4] 
  dbinom(y1, size=n1, prob=p, log=TRUE) +
    dbinom(y2, size=n2, prob=p, log=TRUE)

# data

y1 <- 4; n1 <- 30; y2 <- 12; n2 <- 30

# define each model

model1 <- list(name="One Proportion Model",
               stuff=c(y1, n1, y2, n2))

model2 <- list(name="Two Proportions Model",
               mode=c(0.5, 0.5), 
               stuff=c(y1, n1, y2, n2))

# compute the log Bayes factor in support of model 2

bayes.factor(model2, model1)
[1] "The log Bayes factor in support of Two Proportions Model over One Proportion Model is 1.41"

# contrast with the usual frequentist test of p1 = p2

prop.test(c(y1, y2), c(n1, n2))

    2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity

data:  c(y1, y2) out of c(n1, n2)
X-squared = 4.176, df = 1, p-value = 0.041
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.51337 -0.01996
sample estimates:
prop 1 prop 2 
0.1333 0.4000 
