albert — Sep 25, 2013, 3:52 PM

# MATH 6480 - Fall 2013
# Learning about a Normal Distribution - part 2
# CORRECTED September 25, 2013

# Suppose sleeping times of college students are N(mu, sigma).

# Prior:  mu is N(8, 0.61), sigma^2 is IG(2.8, 13.5)

mu0 <- 8; tau <- 0.61; a <- 2.8; b <- 13.5
prior <- c(mu0, tau, a, b)

y <- with(studentdata, WakeUp - ToSleep)
y <- y[complete.cases(y)]

# Illustrate "brute force" way of simulating from the posterior
# of (mu, sigma2)

# First construct a function that computes the logarithm of the
# posterior
# (A similar function for a noninformative prior is in normchi2post)

mynormpost <- function (theta, data.prior) {
  mu <- theta[1]; sig2 <- theta[2]
  data <- data.prior$data
  prior <- data.prior$prior
  mu0 <- prior[1]; tau <- prior[2]; a <- prior[3]; b <- prior[4]

  logf <- function(y, mu, sig2) -(y - mu)^2/2/sig2 - log(sig2)/2
  z <- sum(logf(data, mu, sig2))

  z = z - (a + 1) * log(sig2) - b / sig2  +
                      dnorm(mu, mean=mu0, sd=tau, log=TRUE)

# Use mycontour to compute a contour graph of posterior.

mycontour(mynormpost, c(7.1, 7.7, 1.8, 3), 
            list(data=y, prior=prior),
            xlab="Mean", ylab="Variance")

# Use simcontour to simulate from grid.

post.sim <- simcontour(mynormpost, 
                       c(7.1, 7.7, 1.8, 3), 
                       list(data=y, prior=prior),
Warning: Walker's alias method used: results are different from R < 2.2.0


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# Say we are interested in learning about coefficient of variation
# cv = sigma / mu <- sqrt(post.sim$y) / post.sim$x

# Draw density plot of simulated draws


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