
Jim — Sep 22, 2013, 10:00 PM

# Brute-force method of doing Bayesian inference
# for a single parameter

# Suppose y is binomial(p)
# The proportion is given a normal(mu, sigma) prior
# Want to simulate from posterior of p

# Set up a grid of p values from .01 to .99 in steps of 0.02

p <- seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.02)

# Suppose mu = 0.3, sigma = 0.1
# We take a sample of 15 and observe 9 successes

mu <- 0.3; sigma <- 0.1
n <- 15; y <- 9

# Compute the product of the likelihood and prior on the grid

product <- dbinom(y, size=n, prob=p) * dnorm(p, mean=mu, sd=sigma)

# Normalize the products

posterior <- product / sum(product)

# Plot posterior

plot(p, posterior, type="l")

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# Simulate from posterior

sim.p <- sample(p, size=1000, replace=TRUE, prob=posterior)

# Construct density estimate from simulated values


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