Errors/bugs in
Bayesian Computation Using Minitab
By Jim Albert
Page xii, line 1. 68 should be 74 (two times).
Page xiii, line 17. .032 should be .039.
Page 65, line 8. P = P0 should be P <> P0.
Page 122, line 16. M = M0 should be M <> M0.
Chapter 6 - Section 4 - A test for a normal mean
The Bayes factor is incorrectly computed in macro 'm_norm_t'.
The corrected macro 'm_norm_t.mtb' (Minitab
release 10 version)
The corrected macro 'm_norm_t.mtb' (Minitab
release 8 version)
Corrected output of 'm_norm_t' for
weight example (pages 122-123 in book).