19 Multiplicative Fit

We have illustrated the use of median polish to perform an additive fit to a two-way table. But sometimes, a multiplicative fit rather than an additive fit is appropriate. Here we illustrate fitting and interpreting a multiplicative fit.

19.1 Meet the data

A fascinating data set are statistics collected from the Olympic games through the years. Here we focus on women swimming results – in particular, the times of the winning swimmer in the women freestyle swimming race for the 100, 200, 400, 800 meter distances for the most nine recent Summer Olympics. (The source of the data is the ESPN Sports Almanac.)

We present the data as a two-way table – time (in seconds) classified by year and distance.

times <- olympics.swim[, -1]
row.names(times) <- olympics.swim[, 1]
##      X100m  X200m  X400m  X800m
## 1968 60.00 130.50 271.80 564.00
## 1972 58.59 123.56 259.44 533.68
## 1976 55.65 119.26 249.89 517.14
## 1980 54.79 118.33 248.76 508.90
## 1984 55.92 119.23 247.10 504.95
## 1988 54.93 117.65 243.85 500.20
## 1992 54.65 117.90 247.18 505.52
## 1996 54.50 118.16 247.25 507.89
## 2000 53.83 118.24 245.80 499.67
## 2004 53.84 118.03 245.34 504.54

What patterns do we expect to see in this table? Certainly, we expect the times to get larger for the longer distances. Also, we might expect to see some decrease in the winning times as a function of year. There are improvements in training and swimming technique that can lead to better race times.

19.2 An additive model isn’t suitable

If we think about the structure of this table, it should be clear that an additive model is not the best fit for these data. If the table were additive, then one would expect the difference between the times in the first two columns to be a constant across rows. Likewise, the difference between any two columns should be a constant for each row. But what is the expected relationship between the times for the 100 m and 200 m races? Since the 200 meter race is twice the distance, you would expect the winning time to be roughly twice the winning time for the 100 meter race. So the relationship between the columns of the table is multiplicative, rather than additive.

A multiplicative fit is equivalent to an additive fit to the logs

Here is a multiplicative model for these data: \[ TIME = [COMMON] \times [ROW \, EFFECT] \times [ COL \,EFFECT] \times [RESIDUAL] \] This model says that one row of the table will be a constant multiple of another row of the table. Similarly, we expect one column, say 400 m, to be a constant multiple of another column like 100 m. Also, notice that the residual is a multiplicative term rather than an additive term that we saw in the additive fit.

How do we fit this seemingly more complicated model? Easy – we change this multiplicative model to an additive one by taking logs: \[ \log TIME = \log \, COMMON + \log ROW \, EFFECT + \log COL \, EFFECT + \log RESIDUAL \]

Here is our strategy for fitting this multiplicative model.

  1. Take logs (base 10) of our response – here the times.
  2. We fit an additive model using median polish. From this fit, we find the COMMON, row effects, and column effects.
  3. We convert the additive fit back to a multiplicative fit by exponentiating the model terms – that is, taking all terms to the 10th power.

19.3 Fitting our model to the data

We start by taking the logs (base 10) of our winning times – the two-way table of log times is shown below.

log.times <- log10(times)
##         X100m    X200m    X400m    X800m
## 1968 1.778151 2.115611 2.434249 2.751279
## 1972 1.767823 2.091878 2.414037 2.727281
## 1976 1.745465 2.076495 2.397749 2.713608
## 1980 1.738701 2.073095 2.395781 2.706632
## 1984 1.747567 2.076386 2.392873 2.703248
## 1988 1.739810 2.070592 2.387123 2.699144
## 1992 1.737590 2.071514 2.393013 2.703738
## 1996 1.736397 2.072470 2.393136 2.705770
## 2000 1.731024 2.072764 2.390582 2.698683
## 2004 1.731105 2.071992 2.389768 2.702896

Using R, we apply median polish to these data. The output of this additive fit are the common value, the row effects (reff), the column effects (ceff), and the residuals. We show all of these terms in the following table.

additive.fit <- medpolish(log.times)
## 1: 0.0857004
## 2: 0.07810789
## Final: 0.07788071
## Median Polish Results (Dataset: "log.times")
## Overall: 2.233155
## Row Effects:
##          1968          1972          1976          1980 
##  0.0417754242  0.0213550737  0.0060742663  0.0005843024 
##          1984          1988          1992          1996 
##  0.0014745868 -0.0042972121 -0.0013812874 -0.0005843024 
##          2000          2004 
## -0.0046712810 -0.0029718761 
## Column Effects:
##      X100m      X200m      X400m      X800m 
## -0.4946103 -0.1597096  0.1595565  0.4727421 
## Residuals:
##            X100m       X200m       X400m       X800m
## 1968 -0.00216840  0.00039015 -2.3702e-04  3.6070e-03
## 1972  0.00792420 -0.00292211 -2.9188e-05  2.9188e-05
## 1976  0.00084668 -0.00302440 -1.0364e-03  1.6372e-03
## 1980 -0.00042723 -0.00093437  2.4852e-03  1.5148e-04
## 1984  0.00754835  0.00146602 -1.3129e-03 -4.1229e-03
## 1988  0.00556259  0.00144421 -1.2911e-03 -2.4558e-03
## 1992  0.00042723 -0.00054984  1.6836e-03 -7.7704e-04
## 1996 -0.00156342 -0.00039015  1.0096e-03  4.5730e-04
## 2000 -0.00284856  0.00399077  2.5421e-03 -2.5421e-03
## 2004 -0.00446730  0.00151935  2.9188e-05 -2.9188e-05

To demonstrate the fit, note that the log time for the 100 m race in 1968 is 1.77815. We can express this log time as \[ 1.77815 = 2.23315 + .04178 - .49461 - .00217 \] where

  • 2.23315 is the common value
  • .04178 is the additive effect due to the year 1968
  • \(-.49461\) is the additive effect due to the 100m swim
  • \(-.00217\) is the residual (what’s left of the data after taking out the additive fit)

To get a fit for the original time data, we take the common, row effects, column effects, and residuals each to the 10th power. For example, we reexpress the common value 2.23359 to \(10^{2.2339}\) = 171.233 and the first row effect .0410 to \(10^{.0410}\) = 1.0990. If we do this operation to all terms, we get the following table of fits and residuals:

COMMON <- 10 ^ additive.fit$overall
ROW <- 10 ^ additive.fit$row
COL <- 10 ^ additive.fit$col
RESIDUAL <- 10 ^ additive.fit$residual
## [1] 171.0624
##      1968      1972      1976      1980      1984      1988 
## 1.1009698 1.0504009 1.0140848 1.0013463 1.0034011 0.9901541 
##      1992      1996      2000      2004 
## 0.9968245 0.9986555 0.9893016 0.9931804
##     X100m     X200m     X400m     X800m 
## 0.3201767 0.6922937 1.4439644 2.9699019
##          X100m     X200m     X400m     X800m
## 1968 0.9950195 1.0008988 0.9994544 1.0083400
## 1972 1.0184136 0.9932942 0.9999328 1.0000672
## 1976 1.0019514 0.9930603 0.9976164 1.0037769
## 1980 0.9990168 0.9978508 1.0057388 1.0003489
## 1984 1.0175326 1.0033813 0.9969815 0.9905516
## 1988 1.0128907 1.0033309 0.9970316 0.9943613
## 1992 1.0009842 0.9987347 1.0038841 0.9982124
## 1996 0.9964066 0.9991020 1.0023273 1.0010535
## 2000 0.9934624 1.0092314 1.0058706 0.9941637
## 2004 0.9897664 1.0035046 1.0000672 0.9999328

19.4 Interpreting the fit

Remember that we have performed an additive fit to the log times which is equivalent to a multiplicative fit to the times. Remember the log time for the 200 m swim in 1968 was represented as the sum \[ 1.77815 = 2.23315 + .04178 - .49461 - .00217 \] Equivalently, the time for the 200 m swim in 1968 is expressible as the product \[ 10^{1.77815} = 10^{2.23315} \times 10^{.04178} \times 10^{- .49461} \times 10^{-.00217} \] or (looking at the output from the table) \[ 60 = 171.062 \times 1.1010 \times .3202 \times .9950 \] Looking at a different cell in the table, say the 800 m time in 1980 (508.90 seconds). We can represent this time as

[common time] x [effect due to 1980] x [effect due to 800 m] x [residual]

\[ = 171.062 \times 1.0013 \times 2.9699 \times 1.0003 \]

Here we have (close to) a perfect fit, which means that the observed time is exactly equal to the fitted time, and the (multiplicative) residual is approximately equal to 1.

Let’s interpret the fit shown below:

 YEAR     100m     200m    400m     800m     REFF
 1968                                       1.1010 
 1972                                       1.0504 
 1976                                       1.0141 
 1980                                       1.0013 
 1984                                       1.0034 
 1988                                       0.9902 
 1992                                       0.9968 
 1996                                       0.9987 
 2000                                       0.9893 
 2004                                       0.9932
 CEFF    0.3202  0.6923  1.4440   2.9699   171.062

If we wish to get fitted times for each year, we multiply the row effects (reff) by the common value to get the following table. We use the abbreviation RFITS to stand for the row fits.

YEAR     100m     200m    400m     800m     RFITS
 1968                                       188.33
 1972                                       179.68
 1976                                       173.47
 1980                                       171.29
 1984                                       171.64
 1988                                       169.38
 1992                                       170.52
 1996                                       170.83
 2000                                       169.23
 2004                                       169.90
 CEFF   0.3202  0.6923  1.4440   2.9699   

If we wish to compare years, then we look at ratios (not differences). For example, comparing 1968 and 2000, the ratio of the corresponding row fits is 188.33/169.23 = 1.11. So we can say that times in 1968 were on the average 11% slower than they were in the year 2000.

Likewise, what are the effects of the different distances? Since the 200m, 400m, 800m distances are 2, 4, 8 times longer, respectively, than the 100m distance, it might be reasonable to expect column effect ratios of 2, 4, and 8. The estimated ratios from the table are shown below:

Distance 100m 200m 400m
Column Effect .3202 .6923 1.4440
Effect / Effect (100m) 1 2.16 4.51

Note that we see a fatigue effect – the 200m time is barely twice as long as the 100m, but the 400m time is 4.5 times as long as the 100m time, and the 800 time is over 9 times long.

To gain a better understanding of the row and column effects, we can plot them. In the top graph of the below figure, we have plotted the row effects for the log time against the year. In the bottom graph, we’ve plotted the column effects (again for log time) against the logarithm of the length of the race.

Year <- seq(1968, 2004, by=4)
Log.Distance <- log10(c(100, 200, 400, 800))

ggplot(data.frame(Year, Row_Effect = additive.fit$row),
       aes(Year, Row_Effect)) + geom_point()

                  Col_Effect = additive.fit$col),
       aes(Log.Distance, Col_Effect)) +

From the graphs, we see

  • There was a clear decrease in log time from 1968 to 1980, but since 1980 the times have been pretty constant
  • As we know, the log times increase linearly as a function of log distance. But this graph doesn’t show the fatigue effect – one could discover this by means of a residual plot from a linear fit to this graph.

19.5 Interpreting the residuals

After we interpret the fit, we look at the residuals to find an interesting pattern or to detect unusual observations. In this multiplicative fit, a residual of 1 corresponds to a perfect fit in that cell, so we are looking for residual values that deviate from 1.

round(RESIDUAL, 2)
##      X100m X200m X400m X800m
## 1968  1.00  1.00  1.00  1.01
## 1972  1.02  0.99  1.00  1.00
## 1976  1.00  0.99  1.00  1.00
## 1980  1.00  1.00  1.01  1.00
## 1984  1.02  1.00  1.00  0.99
## 1988  1.01  1.00  1.00  0.99
## 1992  1.00  1.00  1.00  1.00
## 1996  1.00  1.00  1.00  1.00
## 2000  0.99  1.01  1.01  0.99
## 2004  0.99  1.00  1.00  1.00

I look for residuals that are either small or .99 or larger than 1.01 – three “large” residuals are highlighted. In the 100m races of 1972, 1984, and 1988, the winning times were a bit slow considering the year and the length of the race.